Privacy Policy

Last update: 07-21-2023

  • This Privacy Policy governs your use of products, services, content, features, technologies, etc. made available by Sanda A. Laurentiu-Bogdan - Agent Asigurari, unique identification number 43394804, with registered office and address located at: Aleea Narciselor no. 1, Bl. D2 Sc. 2 Et. 1 ap. 25
  • In this policy, the terms "we", us", "our" refer to Sanda A. Laurentiu-Bogdan - Agent Asigurari, the Data Controller regarding your personal data .
  • By clicking a button or checking a box preceding the phrase "I have read and understood the Privacy Policy", which will be interpreted as your valid electronic signature in accordance with Article 3(10) of Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014, you acknowledge that you have been informed about the content of this Privacy Policy.

1.General provisions

  • 1.1. This Privacy Policy is an inseparable component of the General Terms and Conditions of Sanda A. Laurentiu-Bogdan - Agent Asigurari
  • We, with reference to Sanda A. Laurentiu-Bogdan - Agent Asigurari, number 43394804, with registered office and address located at: Aleea Narciselor no. 1, Bl. D2 Sc. 2 Et.1 ap. 25, we attach great importance to the protection of our customers' data. In this Privacy Policy, we inform Customers about the collection, use and processing of their personal data when they register for or use our services and everything related to them.
  • All personal data of our customers is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the principles established in the applicable legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • 1.2. You should read this Privacy Policy carefully to be informed about the policies and practices that will apply to the Customer's personal data, how it will be used and how we will treat it.

2. The personal information we collect.

  • We collect three general categories of personal data, depending on the legal basis for their processing.
  • 2.1. Information we collect for the proper performance of our contract with you.
  • We request and collect the following information from you when you wish to use our services. This information is necessary for the adequate and correct performance of our contractual obligations. In the absence of the collection of this personal data, we will not be able to provide you with our services.
  • The name of the person ordering the product/service
  • The name of the person who will receive the product/service
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Delivery address
  • 2.2. Information we collect with your or a third party's consent.
  • You may choose to provide us with additional personal information about yourself or a third party. In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, you declare that you have obtained their consent regarding the disclosure of such personal data. This personal data will be processed based on your consent or the consent of the third party whose data you have communicated to us. This information can be:
  • any other information disclosed by you in connection with ongoing communication between us for the purpose of providing customer support services;
  • any additional personal data, such as contact details or another delivery address, for the purpose of providing additional services that you may request from us;
  • data about your complaints – we are required to keep a register of complaints and collect data about such complaints.
  • 2.3. Information we collect based on our legal obligations and our legitimate interests
  • When you use our services and websites, we will collect, including through automated means, information that may be considered personal data. This information is necessary to fulfill our obligations under the law, as well as to satisfy our legitimate interests to improve the functionality of our services:
  • data from official documents, for the purpose of issuing invoices, in accordance with the procedure provided by law, as well as for the purpose of providing the opportunity to refund VAT, customs duties and other similar fees and commissions;
  • information about the use of our services – we store information about the use of our services, such as the orders you have placed;
  • access information: we automatically collect data about accesses to our web pages, and this information includes, in a non-exhaustive manner: IP addresses, the exact date and time of access, information about the browser with which the access was made, other unique identifiers.
  • cookies: we use cookies and other similar technologies that may be implemented in the future and that allow us to provide our services in a convenient way for you; For more information about the Cookies we use, read our Cookie Policy.
  • payment card usage data (for the purpose of executing a payment transaction, if applicable); We cannot see the payment card data you have filled in, but this data is automatically and securely processed by the virtual POS placed on our sites, and the relevant information is used by the financial institution for the purpose of initiating and processing the card transaction.

3. How we use the personal information we collect

  • We use, store and process information, including personal data, in order to provide our end customers with our products. We do not use your personal information for profiling, marketing or other similar purposes.
  • In the future, we may implement systems that process the information we receive in order to improve the functionality of our websites and our customer support services, as well as to establish easier ways of communication and improve the security of our online services.

4. Distribution of personal data

  • 4.1. With your consent
  • In the event that you have given us explicit instructions, we may disclose personal information about you to any third party in accordance with your instructions, for example, for the purpose of providing after-sales services (warranty services provided by third parties ).
  • 4.2. To other members of our group of companies
  • We may disclose your Personal Data to members of our group of companies who are connected by common ownership or control in order to adequately comply with our obligations to you or under applicable law or to manage risk or to help detect and prevent potentially illegal and fraudulent actions and other violations of our policies and agreements and to help us manage our legitimate needs.
  • 4.3. To third party service providers
  • We may disclose your personal information to third party service providers in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to provide you with products and services, as follows:
  • 4.3.1. In order to provide warranty services provided by subcontractors: We may communicate your name and contact details to our subcontractors, to whom we outsource certain service activities.
  • 4.3.2. In order to fulfill our obligations under applicable law, for accounting and tax purposes and for the purpose of issuing invoices: We may communicate your ID card data to the accounting firms whose services we use.
  • 4.3.3. For the purpose of providing products and services: We may share your name, contact details and address, including the delivery address you have provided, to the courier companies whose services we use to transport our products.
  • 4.3.4. In order to make online content available: Our hosting service providers and other online service providers automatically record information about you, such as your IP address, access data and other data about your behavior on our sites.
  • 4.3.5. In order to accept card payments on our sites: Our accepting financial institution (the acceptor) automatically processes your payment data, such as your payment card number, CVC code, embossed name, expiry date and other similar information, in if you use the functionality to pay for goods or services with your payment card.

5. Data retention period

  • We will store your personal data in accordance with the requirements of the law regarding the retention of that category of personal data.
  • In the event that there are no legal requirements applicable to the storage of the relevant categories of personal data, your personal data will be stored by us for a period that will not exceed the period provided for the expiry of the limitation period applicable to any legal relationship that may exist between us.

6. Fulfilling our legal obligations

  • We may disclose your information, including personal information, to courts, investigative bodies, public authorities or other third parties authorized by law, to the extent permitted by law, for the following purposes: (i) to fulfill our obligations under law; (ii) to comply with procedural requirements and to protect us against legal action; (iii) to respond to requests from authorities investigating criminal or other illegal activity or investigating other conduct that may expose us, you or any of our customers to legal risk; (iv) to implement and administer our General Terms and Conditions; (v) to protect the rights, property or privacy of us or our employees, our group companies or the general public.

7. Communication of information outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • We use a variety of third-party providers when making our products available to you.
  • To facilitate our global operations, we may transfer, store and process your information within our group of companies or by using service providers based in Europe. The laws of these countries may differ from the laws applicable in your country of residence. We do not transfer personal data outside the EEA, unless our hosting providers and other online service providers make our online content available to you from these non-EEA countries. Where we transfer, store and process your personal information outside the EEA, we have ensured that appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure an adequate level of data protection, for example compliance with applicable decisions on the adequacy of protection level. Upon request, we will provide additional information on ways to help ensure an adequate level of data protection.

8. Your rights

  • You can exercise any of the rights described in this section by sending an email to Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before taking further action on your request.
  • 8.1. Data access and portability
  • Upon request, you have the right to access and receive and/or transfer the personal data we process for you. You will receive a response within one month at the latest, unless it is not possible for us to do so due to the nature of your request and/or its complexity, in which case we will notify you of the need to extend this deadline.
  • In particular, you have the right to:
  • to receive a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used, automatically processable and reusable format;
  • to transfer your personal data from one operator to another;
  • to store your personal data for further personal use on a private device; and
  • to benefit from the transmission of your personal data directly from one operator to another, without any impediment.
  • Applicable law may give you the right to request copies of your personal information that we hold.
  • We reserve the right to deny you the exercise of this right if we can prove that the nature of your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
  • 8.2. Rectification of inaccurate or incomplete information
  • You have the right to ask us to correct inaccurate or incomplete personal information about you (and which you cannot correct in person through our online service). You will receive a response within one month at the latest, unless it is not possible for us to do so due to the nature of your request and/or its complexity, in which case we will notify you of the need to extend this period- limit.
  • We reserve the right to deny you the exercise of this right if we can prove that the nature of your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
  • 8.3. Deletion ("right to be forgotten")
  • You have the right to request the deletion of the personal information we process about you. You will receive a response within one month at the latest, unless it is not possible for us to do so due to the nature of your request and/or its complexity , in which case we will notify you of the need to extend this deadline. We reserve the right to deny you the exercise of this right, if we can prove that the nature of your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if we do not have the right to delete your personal data due to an existing obligation provided by law.
  • 8.4. The right to restriction of processing
  • You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data. We reserve the right to deny you the exercise of this right, if we can prove that the nature of your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if we do not have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data due to an existing obligation, provided by law.
  • 8.5. Objections to processing.
  • You have the right to object to automatic processing of your personal data and to request that it be processed by human intervention. You will receive a response within one month at the latest, unless it is not possible for us to do so due to the nature of your request and/or its complexity, in which case we will notify you of the need to extend this period- limit.
  • We reserve the right to deny you the exercise of this right if we can prove that the nature of your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
  • 8.6. Withdrawal of consent
  • If you have given your consent to the processing of your personal information by us, you can withdraw that consent at any time and in the event that there are no other grounds for the legitimate processing of your personal data , we will be obliged to stop processing the relevant personal data.
  • 8.7. Filing complaints
  • You have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection authorities, in the event that you believe that we have violated any of your rights when processing your personal data. The competent authority is The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing with the address at: B–dul Magheru 28–30, Sector 1 BUCHAREST, +40 31 805 9211.

9. Security

  • We implement and constantly update safeguards of an administrative, technical and physical nature to improve the security of your information in order to prevent unauthorized access to data or its loss, destruction or alteration. Some of these measures we apply are encryption, pseudonymisation, setting up a firewall and controlling access to personal data. If you know or suspect that there has been an unauthorized access to your personal data, contact us using the contact details on our site

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

  • We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time in accordance with this provision. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will make the revised version of the Privacy Policy available on our website and in this way we will consider that all customers have been adequately informed. In the event that you do not object to the changes made, the provisions of the new Privacy Policy will apply to you without the need for us to ask you for further confirmations.